Surgery Successful - GOD IS GOOD
Thank you so much for your prayers! I’m out of the 3.5 hour surgery! I’m in zero pain as a result of an epidural (which paradoxically REALLY hurt when inserting the tube into my spine) That said God has been so good in answering our prayers … The surgeon said that opening me up was a very strong possibility but they did manage to do it laparoscopically (keyhole) which means a faster recovery (thank you Jesus) The surgery went very well and the early indications are that everything is working well! Also No stoma bag (hallelujah) which is another answered prayer Heart rhythms held which is amazing as surgeon and anaesthetist both said there was a strong possibility that it would revert back to again! (Thank you, Jesus) Pain Levels on a scale of 1-10 my pain level is zero - epidural is not as much fun as morphine (and REALLY HURTS when the stuck a needle and tube in your spine) but is really effective for pain relief! ```best of medicine & best of Jesus``` And because God is just so good he’s given me a private room with an en-suite! So I’ll be able to sleep at night!